An HSG Can Provide Clarity for Patients with Infertility
Are you struggling to become pregnant? If so, Drs. Nurit Winkler and Marc Kalan at Los Angeles Reproductive Center may order a specialized X-ray known as a hysterosalpingogram, or HSG. This exam allows your fertility specialists to evaluate the internal contours of your uterus and determine if your fallopian tubes are patent (open). The doctors have developed relationships with expert radiologists who can perform this procedure in the most effective and least uncomfortable manner.

What Is an HSG?
An HSG is a radiological procedure that helps our doctors evaluate your uterus and fallopian tubes to determine whether there are any abnormalities that are compromising your fertility.
During the exam, one of our expert radiology colleagues will carefully inject a special dye into the uterus via the cervix. X-ray images are then used to observe how the dye moves throughout the uterus and fallopian tubes. Dye that moves freely through the tubes indicate that that the tubes are open, while dye that is rerouted or becomes stuck might indicate issues such as:
- Structural abnormalities like a uterine septum
- Blockages in the fallopian tubes including hydrosalpinx
- Excess scar tissue such as Asherman’s syndrome
- Submucosal Fibroids
- Endometrial Polyps
The doctors are experts at interpreting the images and report of your test to help create a treatment plan that is uniquely tailored to you.
What to Expect during the Test
Our compassionate team members will guide you through what to expect from start to finish:
In preparation for your HSG, Dr. Winkler or Dr. Kalan will:
- Facilitate an appointment with one of our expert radiological colleagues at the appropriate time in your cycle. If you don't have normal cycles, the doctors will determine when the right time is for you.
Ensure that you do not have any allergies that can counteract with the materials used in the exam
To ease any discomfort during the procedure, over-the-counter pain medication such as Motrin or Tylenol can be useful.
- To begin, you will be positioned on the specialized X-ray table. A speculum is gently paced into the vagina allowing access to the cervix.
- The cervix is prepared with a cleansing betadine solution to prevent infection.
- A specialized catheter is inserted through the cervix and the radio-opaque dye is injected through the catheter, into the uterine cavity and eventually through the fallopian tubes.
- X-ray images are taken throughout this process to document the internal uterine shape and the movement of the dye.
- Once the needed images are obtained, the catheter is removed and the procedure is concluded.
Most women can go home immediately following their exam. Because you may experience cramping or spotting after the test, you should plan to take it easy. Most patients are able to return to their your normal routine the same day.
Why Choose Our Practice?
Our double board-certified doctors are experts at interpretation of HSG images and reports and create a treatment plan uniquely designed for you. For many women, completing an HSG can give them the answers they need. If the abnormalities that are causing infertility are treatable, an HSG can also give them newfound hope.
Importantly, there is even a small increase for spontaneous conception following an HSG. Therefore this procedure is not only diagnostic, but potentially therapeutic!
Get Answers Today
An HSG or one of our other screening tools can help us find the cause of your infertility and recommend the appropriate treatment. To schedule a consultation at Los Angeles Reproductive Center, request an appointment online or call us at (818) 946-8051.