Los Angeles Reproductive Center

Egg Donor Selection for Gay Parents

Nov 10, 2021 @ 09:21 PM — by Nurit Winkler
Tagged with: Egg Selection For Gay Parents

Many gay couples dream of having children of their own. While there are several options gay couples can choose to become parents, egg donation offers a pathway to sharing a biological connection with their child. 

Selecting an egg donor is a major decision that can be both exciting and overwhelming. At the Los Angeles Reproductive Center, Dr. Marc Kalan and Dr. Nurit Winkler work closely with patients to provide compassionate assistance with egg selection for gay parents in Encino, CA, Bakersfield, CA, Los Angeles, CA, and surrounding areas. 

About Egg Donation 

Egg donation makes it possible for gay couples to have children with biological ties to their family. 

When egg donation is used, an egg is harvested from a selected donor and fertilized using the sperm of one of the intended fathers. 

Selecting an Egg Donor

Once the decision to use an egg donor is made, couples must go through the process of selecting their donor. Gay couples may work with an egg donation agency to choose an anonymous donor or semi-known donor. In other cases, an egg donor may be a close friend or family member. 

When deciding whether to choose an anonymous donor, a semi-known donor, or a friend or family member, couples may want to keep in mind that donor agencies screen egg donors to find donors who are both physically and mentally healthy enough to be good candidates for egg donation. 

If a friend or family member is donating their egg, it’s a good idea for them to undergo a health evaluation to make sure they are a good candidate for egg donation. 

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Donor

Whether using an anonymous or known donor, couples should keep in mind that their child will be genetically related to the donor. Because of this, it’s important that couples are on the same page about what traits and other factors are important to them. 

When selecting an anonymous or semi-known donor, intended parents can learn about donors through donor profiles. It’s often beneficial for couples to look for donors who seem like they would fit in with their family based on the information provided in their profile. 

Some things to consider when selecting an egg donor include:

Learn More about Egg Donation

If you and your partner are interested in growing your family, egg donation may be right for you. To learn more about egg donation and to discuss your options, please call (818) 946-8051 to schedule an appointment