Los Angeles Reproductive Center

Can Being Overweight Affect Fertility?

Aug 31, 2018 @ 01:09 PM — by
Tagged with: Infertility

There are many potential causes of infertility. One factor that can affect a woman’s ability to conceive is her weight.

At Los Angeles Reproductive Center, we discuss how being overweight can affect fertility. We go over the link between weight and fertility, and offer some potential treatment options for those dealing with infertility. Contact our Los Angeles, CA practice today to schedule a consultation with us.

The Link between Weight and Fertility

Weight has long been known to have an impact on patients’ overall health. Specifically, obesity has been linked to a number of health problems, including heart diseases, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

There are also studies that show weight can affect fertility. Some of the ways in which excess weight can have an impact on female and male fertility include:

How Being Overweight Affects Female Fertility

Women who are overweight, and especially those who are considered medically obese, are more likely to suffer from infertility. One reason for this is that fatty tissues produce a hormone called leptin, which can throw off hormone balance.

Another problem is that excess weight can cause insulin resistance, which increases the risk of menstrual irregularity.

Finally, obesity significantly increases the risk of anovulation, or a failure to ovulate. When overweight women do ovulate, it has been found that their egg quality is lower than that of women within a normal weight range.

All of these issues make it more difficult for overweight women to conceive.

How Being Overweight Affects Male Fertility

Male obesity has also been linked to infertility. This can be the result of a number of obesity-related health factors, including hormone imbalance, sexual dysfunction, and lower testosterone levels.

 However, studies also suggest that an excess of just 20 pounds can negatively impact male fertility, likely because it lowers the quality of a male’s sperm.

Treatment Options

Anyone who is overweight and trying to conceive should consider healthy weight loss measures, such as a nutritional diet and moderate exercise routine. By shedding even just a portion of their excess weight, patients can significantly improve their chances of conceiving.

However, although excess weight and infertility are linked, not everyone who loses weight will become pregnant. There are many other issues than can affect fertility. If weight loss alone does not improve fertility, our fertility specialists can help.

There are numerous treatments that can help patients finally achieve their dream of becoming parents. We are happy to discuss treatments such as in vitro fertilization, intrauterine insemination, and egg donation. Our doctors can help patients find a fertility solution that is best suited to their unique needs and desires.

Learn More

If you would like to learn more about the comprehensive range of fertility services offered at the Los Angeles Reproductive Center, including fertility testing, contact us at your earliest convenience. Our fertility specialists can create a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific situation, so that we can significantly increase your chance of conceiving.